Copyright Act
The Copyright on all photographs is owned by the Company Anthony Reynolds. Permission must be obtained before any unauthorised use. If you intend to use them Commercially, a fee will be charged, please contact us to discuss this. Photocopying is a violation or the Copyright Act which will result in prosecution.
Publishing Purchased Photographs Now Free of Charge on all orders placed after the 19th April 2008
You may use purchased photographs to advertise your Stud or for selling an animal FREE of CHARGE. In Journals or Magazines plus Internet Sites, but a Credit must be shown by the photograph published:
A special sticker will be on the back of all photographs stating NO COPYRIGHT FEE for publication of photograph. This will prove authorisation for the printer.
If your advert is urgent and you would like us to scan and send it for you, we can do this at a charge of £15.00 per Image.
Don't Forget the CREDIT
Failure to Credit our Photographs will result in a £15.00 charge per image.
If you wish to order photographs taken before 19th April see our current price list to get free publication.
For Commercial Use i.e. Feed Manufactures, Saddlers etc, please contact us for rates.